Business, Environment & Technology
Environmental Product Declarations

Industrial Ecology Consultants


Green Marketing and Eco-Labeling

We offer the following green marketing services to help you differentiate your sustainable product in the market place.  

Self-Declared Environmental Claims - We can help you to develop the necessary life cycle based information compliant with ISO 14021 for Type II environmental labels.

Environmental Declarations - We have the expertise to assist your company or industry association in the development of an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) program for Type III labeling compliant with ISO 14025, as well as, Building and Construction Industry standards ISO 21930 and EN 15804.  We will assist you in the process of project management, stakeholder engagement, product category rule development, and program implementation.


Product Category Rule Development and Review - We have the expertise in the development and independent review of ISO 14025 conforming PCR/EPD programs.  We have worked with UL Environment, NSF International, FP Innovations and Earthsure in the review of PCRs. 


Environmental Claim Efficacy Assessment - This offering provides assurance that environmental claims can be supported by verifiable quantitative information.